Sourcing Hacks (now its fourth edition) is published in electronic (PDF) format and contains a collection of hacks, applicable to searching in any location or industry. With these hacks, you can instantly enrich your Sourcing Toolbox and improve your productivity.
For each hack, we explain the underlying concept, why the hack works, detailed instructions for performing the hack, and practical examples of applying it to a real-world sourcing task (complete with clickable examples). These detailed explanations will help you to tweak the hacks to fit your needs and get a better overall understanding of how and why sourcing techniques work the way they do.
We have gathered this material while hands-on sourcing for our clients at Brain Gain Recruiting and teaching sourcers and recruiters in our online classes.
Here are some hacks we have included in the book:
- Collect Thousands of Email Addresses in Seconds
- Find Direct Dials for 70% of Companies
- Build Search Shortcuts to Save Hours of Time
- Import and Cross-Reference Contacts with LinkedIn for Free
- Search for People by Exact Location on Facebook
- Diversity Sourcing with Avatars
- Triple Your Results with Image Search