Introducing the CPSP-A
The Certified People Sourcing Professional CPSP-A credential is granted to all who demonstrate proficiency in six core sourcing skill domains by passing rigorous credentialing exam.
We offer testing to earn your CPSP-I during twice-yearly open-enrollment windows. Read on for upcoming test dates, and more details about the testing process.
An Update About Legacy Credentials and the Diversity Training
Upcoming CPSP-A Training & Testing Windows
Benefits of Certification
In addition to full professional proficiency in sourcing, the CPSP-A credential demonstrates your commitment to professional development and maintaining your skills.
Certified professionals may display their credential or the CPSP-A logo on their website, resume, or online profiles. Certified professionals may also display the CPSP-A postnominal letters. CPSP-A earners may also use the constituent legacy devices or post-nominal letters (CPSP or CDSP).
Past earners of our credentials report improved job prospects as well as increased confidence in their skills and professional endeavors.
Register today and reserve your spot.
Exam Details
The credentialing exam for CPSP-A tests your absolute proficiency across all core sourcing skill domains. Visit our guide for additional information about the assessed skills.
Your exam will consist of fifty multiple choice questions designed to assess your proficiency across these domains. You will need to perform a variety of practical sourcing tasks to discover the correct answers. The questions are drawn from a standard pool and randomized, so no two examinees will take exactly the same test.
Questions range in value from two to four points. To pass you must achieve 80% of the points available from the questions you receive. Your final grade will be either either PASS (if you achieve this threshold) or NOT PASS (if you do not). Scores are not comparable between examinees and a higher or lower score numeric score is not indicative of relatively higher or lower proficiency in the tested skill domains.
We label each question with its point value and the core sourcing skill required to answer it. Please review our sample questions prior to registering to familiarize yourself with the question types and test format. Out of 50 questions, you can expect to see:
- Exploratory Research - 9 Questions
- Google Search - 7 Questions
- X-Ray Searches - 9 Questions
- LinkedIn - 9 Questions
- Social Sourcing - 8 Questions
- Cross-Referencing - 8 Questions
Your testing window will be nine days (12 AM Saturday to 11:55 PM the following Sunday, Pacific time). You may begin your exam any time during this window but must complete your exam prior to the close of this window. The exam must be completed in a single sitting. We have calibrated the question difficulty so that the average expected time to complete the test is three to four hours, but you will have a total of six hours to finish the test once you begin. If you finish early, you can submit your answers immediately or use the extra time to check your work.
Detailed instructions for taking your Exam will be communicated no later than the Friday before your test window begins.
Registration Process
- Exam-only registration - $399 (first time) or $199 (recertification or additional attempts)
- Members of our Training Library Subscription plan may test at no extra charge
- Registration is included with the Diversity Sourcing Certification Program includes one registration for the exam
- If you have any questions about your eligibility for complimentary or discounted testing, please contact us.
Upon registration you will receive access to the Exam portal for your chosen window. This portal will contain all the information you need to take the Exam. We will update this portal with any changes to the testing process, and encourage you to check your portal regularly (and not later than the Friday before your test window opens) for the latest information.
If you are unable to sit for the Exam during your planned window, please contact us about transferring your registration before this window begins. We will transfer your registration to any future test window at no additional charge. However, we cannot transfer your registration under any circumstances once you begin the test.
Your registration includes up to two attempts to pass the exam. If your first attempt is unsuccessful we will provide instructions for your second attempt. Second attempts are just that: a complete resitting of the Exam with a new set of fifty questions. We will not provide a second attempt in the event you pass your first attempt.
No additional training or prep materials are provided as part of the standalone registration. The core skills guide provides a la cart suggestions for updating yourself on individual skills. We recommend the Ultimate Sourcing Bootcamp for comprehensive preparation.